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Showing posts from September, 2020

The importance of language in Amazigh culture

One of the most important aspects of the North African cultures of Amazigh nature is the importance they place on the language. Observing the Amazigh culture, the connection between the transcendence of the language and the preservation of the culture throughout history to the present is remarkable. Thanks to the oral and written preservation of the Amazigh people, history and their belief system were preserved over time, leaving one generation to go down in history, while the wisdom and knowledge of the laws passed to another. That is why despite the existence of several different dialects of its language, its history and its laws managed to remain synchronized and thus survive countless cultural invasions. All thanks to his native language. When Arab culture conquered the African continent, they brought a very similar sensitivity to the importance of language and the role that the elderly must play in order to preserve their culture. In addition, it must be taken into account that b

Origin and identity of the Amazigh people

According to the hieroglyphs found in the temple of Amun, the Amazighs are the oldest inhabitants of the North African continent. They are also known as berbebers, a Greco-Roman name that means "barbarians", since they were located outside the Roman axis. But they feel like Amazhigs , which means "noble free men" and prefer to be called that way.The Amazhigh people have existed for more than five thousand years, covering North Africa, from the border of Egypt and Libya to the Atlantic Ocean bordering the Mediterranean Sea and to the borders with Nigeria and Mali. It has been a culture historically despised by the dominant governments of North African countries, but with the recent crisis of Arab ideology (Arab Spring, Islamic radicalism, etc.) the recognition of minority ethnic groups and cultures was favored, especially in Morocco and Algeria. Within the Amazigh culture there are three main elements that are defined as "trinity", easily recognizable in Mo

Berber culture and the tradition of its handmade rugs

The Berber culture and tradition is located in North Africa, with a strong presence in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The typical berber community is made up of diverse ethnic groups or tribes connected with similar customs. Although these tribes are commonly known as nomads, some of them are rather sedentary, living off their crops in the Atlas Mountains . These tribes have developed by living off the crafts they produce, which today is well known around the world. Small sheep graze in the Atlas Mountains that produce high quality wool, from which the base material is extracted for making the well-known Berber rugs. That is why these ancient tribes have developed a refined technique with a manual washing process; dyed with natural dyes and woven with a small weft of knots to increase its density. Among the ethnic groups that make this type of rugs we find the Beni Ourain tribe and the Azilal tribe, located in Morocco. In Tunisia these carpets are known as Margoum . More information a